- sapta fadhila yang cantik jelita tiada duanya di indonesia blog's

Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

kuliah bahasa inggris pertemuan ke 13


Electronic mail,often abbreviated as e-mail,email or eMail.is any method to creating,transmitting or storing primarily text based human communications with digital communications systems.unlike conventional mail,email is much faster.

email has both similiarties and differences with more conventional postal services.first, massages are posted electronically to individuals at specific addresses much like conventional mail.the adderessed donates the computer that the individual employs as a mail server.a mail server is a like local post office : it is computer that sends and receives electronik mail for a specific network.

an email massage is made up of several parts.they include :
  • Header : it contains information about the sender,the routing and the time of the massage.the header always contain a subject line.this is very important part of the massage and you should always include a subject line.some folks sort their massage by subject.so it is rude to not include a subject.the subject line indicates the purpose or content of the massage.
  • massage body : where you write the massage.
  • signature : which identifies the sender,this part is optional and must be set up inside of your email software.
The message header usually includes at least the following fields :
  • From : the email address of the sender
  • To : the email address of recipient
  • Subject : Topic of the massage
  • Date : the local date and time when the message was written
  • Cc : copy carbon,adopted from business comunication protocol when typewrited rules the day
  • Bcc : blind copy carbon,when recipient does not need to know who eise got a copy of the message.may or may not appear in senders file copy,depending on email software used
The usefull of email is being threatened by four phenomena :
  1. email bombardment : an email bomb is a form net abuse consisting of sending huge volumes of email to an address in an attempt to overflow the mailbox or overhelm the server.
  2. Spamming : unsolicited commercial email results in information overload for many computer users who receive such email each day.
  3. Phising : prosses of attempting,to acquare sensetive information such a usernames,passwords,credit card detail by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in electronic communication.
  4. email worm : use email a way of replicating them self into varnulable computers.

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